Saturday, May 31, 2014

Welcome to DragonBallReboot a Central Fan Blog!

Hey! Welcome to DragonballFan Central the first Dragonball Blog that brings you 100% accurate and super fast news giving you all the facts and juicy details! Some cool things we are going to include in this blog are Q&A, My knowledge on the Dragonball Series is incredible Plus I always Re-Research so we are an accurate source of information. Our Q&A Is Very different what we do is we have you ask us via email or text (all running under Google Voice and G-mail) your question and I give you your answer with my extra opinion, prediction. In the  future we would like to go to interviews and ask the big guys the questions and tell you, but for now lets stick with this concept. Right now there is nothing to post but I will post the most recent previous news. Thanks For Visiting also if the blog seems a bit boring that's also because I am still moving in to blogger (Customizing my template) So be Patient with me. I almost forgot our character of the week is...
 Whis is in fact this weeks character because I believe that he has a large role in the Dragonball Battle of gods 2 film and even in the new series. Below is some information about whis.

Whis (ウイス) is a character in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods. He is always with the God of Destruction Beerus and is his attendant.



Whis is a character with teal skin, white hair, and rather effeminate features. He owns a long scepter with a gem that floats above it, and he usually holds this staff in his right hand. Around his neck is a large light blue ring. Whis' attire consists of a maroon robe, a black cuirass with the same white and orange diamond decorations as the God of Destruction Beerus, and a blue sash. He also seems to wear black high-heeled shoes with white spats.


Whis has a calm and peaceful personality, but he is absent-minded. He is very polite and also likes food, as shown when he eats a cake while telling the Z Fighters that the entire Solar System will be destroyed in an instant in honorific register or when he is shown visiting a restaurant while Beerus fights the Z Fighters on Earth.


Whis is the one who taught martial arts to the God of Destruction Beerus, and he apparently oversees and trains the successive God of Destruction of the Seventh Universe.
WissTalksToBills(BoG)In the film, Whis is shown visiting Beerus in his temple. Whis tells him to get up and he says he will sing with a microphone if Beerus keeps sleeping, as Whis is terrible at singing. When Beerus wakes up, he asks Whis whether Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta during his nap because the Saiyans and Frieza were very evil, and King Vegeta was stingy according to him. Whis tells Beerus that Frieza was defeated by
WhisFlying2(BoG)a Saiyan, and then uses his scepter like a projector to show the past battle between Goku and Frieza on Namek. He also explains about Super Saiyans and some Saiyans living on the Earth, including the Saiyan Prince Vegeta. Whis is later with the God of Destruction on King Kai's planet when they meet Goku. When they arrive on the planet, the God of Destruction complains that King Kai's planet is so small, but Whis reminds him that he is the reason it is so small because he destroyed it when he got mad after losing at hide-and-seek.
Later, while Beerus fights with the Z Fighters, Whis is in a restaurant near Capsule Corporation and he has apparently taken a liking to sushi while on Earth. At the end of the movie, Beerus reveals to the Z Fighters that Whis is his martial arts master and stronger than him. Whis asks Goku if he would like to be the next God of Destruction after Beerus dies, but Goku turns him down. From the Sacred World of the Kais, the Supreme Kais comment on Goku befriending the God of Destruction. As Beerus is completely worn out, after they return home. Whis shares his sushi with Beerus, and after Beerus tries some wasabi, Whis karate-chops Beerus to make him stop destroying the temple. Whis then orders Beerus to sleep for 3 more years.